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News / Success Case Success Case

Success Case – Herzensapp

Post from 12. July 2023

In this article you will get to know Herzensapp GmbH better and learn more about the successful cooperation with Inspiralia.

About the Herzensapp

HerzensApp GmbH offers software solutions for mobile home care. HerzensApp could also be called “Uber for care”, as we connect families with caregivers and provide them with digital tools to make their work better, easier and more efficient. As a result, caregivers have more time to provide direct care to clients.

Uber for care – to make care more attractive (again)

In the course of the project, we focused on the provision and further development of our already existing platform. For this purpose, we submitted an application for AWS Seedfinancing together with Inspiralia GmbH and received the highest funding rate, i.e. full 90% funding. In the course of our project, the main focus is on improving the matching functions so that people in need of care and their relatives can find suitable caregivers more easily. We have developed mobile software apps that enable both sides – caregivers and care recipients – to communicate with each other via an interface. Initially, the matching process was manual, but later we will also introduce AI-powered automation. We have a strong and competent team that is always working on improving our app. Exciting for this project was also the preparation for market entry, which is also mapped in the funding project.

“We simply contacted Inspiralia directly, as we already knew them, and explained what our vision was and what we would like to achieve. We also realized that we would like to create something together and that Inspiralia was also interested in getting the maximum out of it for us. It was a natural and good decision to make contact.”
– Konstantin Pollanz, CEO HerzensApp GmbH

Joint path to promotion

The cooperation was very good. We started with an inventory to see what all needed to be done. Then we worked together to structure the project and the AWS Seedfinancing funding application. It was particularly interesting because we applied for funding that brought the highest probability of funding. That was important for both sides. We worked together to submit a good project proposal and reached out for questions and support. We were especially pleased with the approval and the 90% funding rate. We also found that the experts who regularly oversee such projects can provide us with valuable support. Overall, I can definitely recommend working with Inspiralia.

We thank you for the good cooperation and look forward to a successful future together!

Together with Inspiralia successful

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