New location in Berlin
With our new location, we can offer our customers an even better service for the German market.
Bild von Inspiralia in Berlin
mobility turnaround: 2 new calls
The two calls “Zero Emission Mobility” and “Mobility 2023:” offer companies great help for the mobility transition. Here you will find an overview of both calls for proposals.
Bild von ENIN Förderprogramm
New location in Berlin
With our new location, we can offer our customers an even better service for the German market.
Bild von Inspiralia in Berlin
mobility turnaround: 2 new calls
The two calls “Zero Emission Mobility” and “Mobility 2023:” offer companies great help for the mobility transition. Here you will find an overview of both calls for proposals.
Bild von ENIN Förderprogramm

Internationalization check – entry into new markets

Entering new markets is full of uncertainties – the internationalization check therefore promotes initial entry activities.

The funding is a non-repayable grant.

The funding rate is 50%:

  • Within Europe: maximum € 5.000 (+ bonus possible)
  • Long-distance market: maximum € 10,000 (+ bonus possible)

External costs for marketing, consulting, travel, events, etc. are supported.

Applications can be submitted until 31.03.2023.

Digital Marketing Check – For the digital presence abroad

Addressing the right target group in new markets is anything but trivial. The digital market check supports such measures and reduces the financial risk.

The funding is a non-repayable grant.

The funding rate is 50% – with a maximum payout amount of € 7,500.

External costs for target country-related online marketing are supported. For example:

  • Placement of Google or Facebook campaigns
  • Influencer campaign
  • Support costs of campaigns
  • Advertising on Amazon
  • Target country specific website or adaptations to existing website for target country (e.g. language)
  • Production of advertising films
  • and much more.

Applications can be submitted until 31.03.2023.

Project Business Check – Know-How for International Project Business

Doing business in an international context, but know-how is missing? The project business check provides targeted assistance in building up know-how about new markets.

The funding is a non-repayable grant.

The funding rate is 50% – with a maximum payout amount of € 7,500.

Funding is provided for external costs for consulting, marketing, travel and events. In contrast to the internationalization check, the focus is always on building up know-how. E.g. through:

  • (Pre-)Feasibility studies
  • External data research and analysis

The check is particularly suitable for the preparation of international project applications, such as EU funding! See also: EU-Fundings

Applications can be submitted until 31.03.2023

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